Library Rules

1. Library Hours

600 a.m. – 6:00 p. m. – Monday to Friday

2. Identification Cards
Bonafide students, faculty and staff members can automatically access any library materials. Only users with identification cards will be granted library privileges. ID’s are required at all times. They are to be shown to the person in charge of the control desk upon entering the library.

Students will be responsible for all library materials charged out in their name. Lending of ID’s is strictly prohibited; library privileges of owners of loaned ID’s will be suspended. The loss of ID’s should be reported immediately to the Librarian and a new one must be applied for.

Off-campus researchers should present a valid ID and a referral letter from their Librarian. They will be allowed to use the library and will be given a temporary Library Card for one (1) day.

Library Cards

Only those students with library cards will be allowed to borrow books. In case of loss, the user must apply for a new Library Card. Replacement will be issued upon payment of the corresponding replacement fee (P20.00).

3. Book Loan /Fines

Reserve Books (Supplementary Reading Books)

These books are for room use only. They may be checked out at 3.00 p.m. for overnight use only and should be returned at 9:00a.m. of the following day.

Circulation Books

Depending on the number of copies of the books, the user will be allowed to borrow up to three (3) books of different titles for a period of two (2) days. It can be renewed unless it is requested by another user or if the patron has overdue books or outstanding fines.

Fiction books can be borrowed for one (1) week.

These books may be checked out at 3:00 p.m. and should be returned at 9:00a.m. on the due date. A fine of P2.00 per day will be imposed on overdue circulation books including Saturdays, Sundays and holidays.

Serials/periodicals, newspapers and vertical files such as brochures, pamphlets clippings are for “room use” only. With permission, they may be taken out for photocopying purposes only.
4. Lost Books
A lost book should be reported immediately to the librarian. It should be replaced by the same or later edition of the books .
5. Vertical File Materials
This is a collection of clippings, brochures, pamphlets, and other non-book materials arranged for ready reference. With permission, they may be taken out for photocopying purposes only.

6.. General Conduct

Violation of the following may result in confiscation of the ID and, therefore, suspension of library privileges.
I. Silence, courtesy and politeness must be observed inside the library at all times.
II. Students, faculty members and staff should deposit their bags, envelopes and umbrellas in the baggage counter except money and other valuable items such as calculators, cell phones, etc. The librarian and staff are not responsible for lost item/s.
III. Students, faculty members and employees should sign in the registration /attendance logbook.
IV. The library is a place for studying and research; any form of recreation is strictly prohibited.
V. Food and drinks are absolutely prohibited inside the library. They can damage library materials and equipment and attract insects.
VI. In order to maintain an appropriate atmosphere in the library, the students must:

a. keep the library clean and not litter the tables or floor with waste paper and other scrap. They must use the waste basket provided for this purpose.
b. keep the library in order, push the chair back against the table when they leave the library so it would not obstruct the movement of other library users.
c. refrain from sitting on the tables, and keep feet off the furniture,
VII. Books and other materials must not be taken out from the library without permission from the librarian.
VIII. Newspapers and magazines should be returned to their respective stand properly.
IX . Students should not touch the reserve books in the shelf. They should ask for
permission from the librarian if they want to borrow a particular book.
X. After using the books in the circulation and reference sections, the users should
return them to their shelves properly, using the classification number provided with their corresponding color coding as a guide.
XI. Students should not commit such acts as hiding or stealing books or other
library property, writing in books, tearing out of pages of the books or
periodicals or any form of defacement. Any student caught destroying any book or
library material shall be recommended for disciplinary action.
Students who consistently fail to follow the library’s rules will be issued referral and possibly lose their library privileges for a period of a week or two. Students who
repeatedly do not follow the library’s rules are subject to loss of library privileges for the remainder of the school

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